Vacancy Announcement ( Social Secretary to Ambassador)
March 16, 2022

Applications are invited for the following position in the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Nur-Sultan:
Designation: Social Secretary to Ambassador:
* Higher education (Bachelor / Masters degree).
* Fluency in English, Kazakh and Russian
* Translation skills. (diploma holders for translation from English to Russian and Kazakh languages and vice versa will be preferred)
* Candidates having relevant experience will be preferred
*Good knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Power Point (web designing expertise will be preferred)
Both male and female are equally encouraged to apply.
We offer good salary package, and great learning experience.
Short listed candidates will be called for test and interview. Last date to apply 22 March, 2022. Apply directly to the email: or to address: Embassy of Pakistan, st. Syganak 45, 15 floor, Business Center: Beijing Palace, Nur-Sultan.