Invitation of bids for translation of a book (300 pages) from English to Kazakh language and printing of its 1500 translated copies
June 16,2020

- The Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Astana, Kazakhstan invites sealed quotations from qualified and reputable firms registered with concerned tax and other related authorities in Kazakhstan for translation of a book (300 pages) from English to Kazakh language and printing of its 1500 translated copies.
- Bids must comprise a single package containing two separate envelops marked as “Financial Proposal” and Technical Proposal”. The bids must reach to the Embassy of Pakistan, Astana on or before 11:00 A.M. on 27 March 2017. The Technical Proposal should provide the sample of the cover page, quality of paper, quality of ink, font size, number of colour pages duration of translation and printing, authenticity of translation and other relevant information.
- The firm must have more than 10 years of experience of translation and printing the books. The firm will be responsible for managing and protection of the copy rights of book in Kazakhstan.
- Bids will be opened on the same day and the representatives of the Firms are welcome to participate in the bid opening. This advertisement is also available on PPRA’s website at
- The Embassy reserves the right of accepting or rejecting all tenders.