Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018
June 16,2020

The Government of Pakistan has decided to establish “Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018” to raise funds for construction of Diamer Basha & Mohmand Dams in Pakistan. Pakistani community and other international donors are invited to be a part of this noble cause and donate generously to the Fund.
Donations can be deposited in the Embassy of Pakistan, Astana in cash form or at National Bank of Pakistan in Kazakhstan, Almaty Branch.
Account Number with IBAN: KZ105530239800010910
Address: 050051, Almaty, 105 Dostyk avenue,
Telephone: +7-727-2597602, +7-727-2597604
Fax: +7-727-597603
For any questions or queries related to “Diamer Basha and Mohmand Dam Fund 2018”
kindly contact Mr. Waqas Ahmed, Head of Chancery, at the following:
Telephone No: +77172799374, +7 7172799375