Bid Document
May 31, 2022

Advertisement for Bids/Quotation was issued in the Embassy website on 17-05-2022, PPRA website on 19-05-2022 and in the local newspaper Vechernya Astana on 19-05-2022 with the closing date of 06-06-2022 before 1100 AM and opening of bid on the same date 06-06-2022.
Job Description
- Renovation of a room No. 306 at 3rd floor of the Eurasian National University of Nur-Sultan to establish a Pakistan Cultural & Language Centre (PCLC). Measurement and drawing of the room is enclosed (Annex-I).
i.e. Renovation/civil work of room ( ceiling repairing, painting & installation of 06 light and walls painting door painting and painting of 04 windows.)
Completion Period: 15 to 20 days only.
Financial Advice
Please share the breakup of the expenses as under:
S/N | Items/Description | Units | Total Cost (U.S.$) | Remarks |
01 | Monogramme (PCLC) | 01 | Photo attached | |
02 | Blinders | 04 | 4-windows/Measurement as map attached | |
03 | Civil work (ceiling repairing, painting & installation of 06 lights and walls painting door painting and painting of 04 windows and one door) | |||
04 | Tables/Desks (single sitting ) | 19 | Sample photo attached | |
05 | Chairs (Students) | 18 | ——–do—— | |
06 | Revolving Chair (Teacher) | 01 | ||
07 | Table (Teacher) | 01 | ||
08 | Computer table (with computer chair) | 01+01 | Photo attached | |
09 | Laptop | 01 | HP/DEL/ 15 inch | |
10 | White Board (writing board) | 01 | Normal/Good | |
11 | Cupboards | 04 | Photo Attached | |
12 | Service Charges (if any separate) | |||
Total Cost |
Personal Information
Name contract of company
Relevant experience
Capabilities with respect to personal, equipment & plant
Financial Position