Appointment of Chairman under the Muslim Family Law Ordnance 1961 (VIII of 1961):
June 16,2020

The Ambassador of Pakistan has been pleased to appoint the following focal person in the Embassy of Pakistan in Astana to act as Chairman under the Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 (VIII of 1961) in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Mr. Waqas Ahmed
Deputy Head of Mission / Head of Chancery
Office No: +77172977372
Mobile No: +77029210444
Fax No: +77172799398
Model: Toyota Camry 2008
Engine Capacity: 2 .4 L
Details: immaculate condition, well-maintained, snow tires, Embassy vehicle, automatic transmission, sunroof, regularly serviced
Interested bidders can inspect the car at the Embassy of Pakistan premises before 28th September 2017 (advance appointment required during office hours from 0900hrs to 1700hrs) and submit their quotations to the following address not later than 29 September 2017 till 12.00 hours.